How to Generate Traffic for Online Affiliate Marketing – Free Advertising

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Online advertising! Complex or simple?

The content I share with you is normally not free, but after my research and testing I have developed it into my articles, which are free for all of you. Enjoy.

The Internet can be a very daunting place for anyone trying to advertise. It is growing at a phenomenal rate with tens of thousands of pages added every day. Now you can see why this can be daunting. How do you get your traffic share? your site, page or product will definitely be lost.

Not so fast. Online advertising can be really simple if you keep things simple. Don’t rush ahead of yourself. One step at a time and master each stage.

What I’m about to share with you maybe you already know now, but have you already perfected it? If you don’t know this method now, that’s great, you’re off to a great start.

How to Generate Traffic for Free for Affiliate Marketing. In fact this method can be used to advertise pages, websites, links, a company, a product. You name it! Generating traffic is all you need with most of today’s online affiliate programs. I am an affiliate marketer and have found that this method is growing my business! It’s effective, easy and free. All it will cost you is your time.

I’m talking about creating a pool of information that connects to your product. The pool consists of Squidoo Lens, a blog, websites, and social articles. All of these are free to register and simple to use. A big benefit of using this pooling technique is that the articles, blog, and objective keep each other updated, increasing the pages’ ranking in search engines.

To get started, register on and create your own lens. Just before creating it you should have already checked that your title is keyword rich. Go even further and research long tail keywords, you may have a niche within your product. Example:

My product is a tube of aloe vera skin cream. You could call your goal:

aloe vera skin cream

Or you could try to reach the niche market with:

how to get rid of eczema with this aloe vera skin cream

This was a pure example but it makes you think, doesn’t it? This last one was what they call the long-tail keyword.

So now you have your title and your lens is ready to use. Build your goal with keyword-rich content. Make links to your product available from content text modules. Divide your content into similar chapters and spread them across 5 or more text modules. You’ll really only need the text modules and an RSS feed so you can download modules like Amazon, eBay, YouTube (unless you have a clip on your product!).

Be sure to use the status check feature to develop your lens to its maximum potential. This will get you higher search engine rankings and expose your lens to other lens users.

You’re doing great so far. Don’t stress with this as you will have to edit it over time, so complete it and move on to creating a blog. You will also create a link from the target to your blog! Keep the blog simple with a text form (post) and your choice. Keep it honest and genuine.

Also in this case the content is full of keywords that describe your product. You can also send the blog to your target via RSS, that’s why I said before to keep the RSS feed form.

So far you have a goal and a blog. Both link to your product, but only the lens links to your blog! Are you following me? These will need to be optimized and modified over time. Try updating them every couple to three days. Once you’ve updated them, use to submit them.

Fantastic! Now let’s move on to writing articles.

There are many article websites out there. If I were you I’d find a dozen to start with, including EzineArticles and Go Articles as the main ones.

Learn to write content according to the rules of article sites. EzineArticles is great for this as they will guide you on how to get your article accepted if rejected.

My first few items were sent back several times to begin with.

Articles should once again focus on the title as keywords. This will ensure that it is picked up by the target audience you are looking for. Once again, try long-tail keywords as well. If you can, try to post one or two articles a day. A little too much at first, I know, but as you get used to it you’ll be able to erase it easily. Each article should connect to your goal. You could look at your goal as the acquisition page and the articles are capturing traffic to send to it. These links are inbound links also called backlinks. Once traffic starts using these links and you get visits to your page, it will also give it a better ranking in search engines.

So you see, this pool is awesome and can go viral. You have constant articles that bring traffic, the goal is to convert this traffic into customers. If you follow all of this and keep adding articles and keep updating and editing the blog and the goal, and also pingoat every time you edit, you will create a fantastic traffic flow.

Share links to your articles, blog, and lenses with every social site you can think of. Become a member of the new ones and become none.

Avoid spam at all costs! This is not the way to go. Anyone who makes money from spam quickly discovers that it is short-lived.

The information here works. Go and try it for yourself.

If you need further help or more detailed instructions contact me via my blog!

Congratulations in advance and happy marketing!

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lun Oct 16 , 2023
Here are some suggestions to maximize your web traffic  👈 Do you want fast and cheap traffic right now? Click here. When running a small business, there is a lot of competition. How do potential customers find you on the web? To assert your company as an industry leader, you […]

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