Blog syndication and Pinterest marketing exposed

???Here are some suggestions to achieve your social media goals

Businesses and individuals are excited about the open playing field that blogging and Pinterest offers. Social media marketing trends suggest it is a vital method of generating traffic for businesses large and small.

Why not market here? This social media giant is more established in the eyes of the big search engines. If you run a blog; Read on to find out why you should consider promoting your business on this lockdown phenomenon.

Why market on Pinterest?

Not only is this visually inclined social network growing every day, but its subscriber count has exploded to 20 million users. This achievement allows them to claim 1 of the top 3 social networking sites globally. Users spend an average of 15 minutes a day browsing. Credit: copyblogger[dot]com

Is Pinterest useful for marketing?

So what does this mean for you? Well, Pinterest is an online bulletin board where people and businesses can pin photos, videos, blog posts, contests, infographics, and more! This is golden, if you don’t have a million dollar marketing budget.

Because with Pinterest you can leverage their popularity to drive referral traffic directly to your website, blog, YouTube channel or e-magazine article.

Why are you posting pins on Pinterest?

Don’t let the silly task of pinning photos and videos fool you. A picture is worth a million words, and videos typically last forever. In 2012 alone, Pinterest saw more traffic than LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit, and YouTube – combined!

Lately I’ve been watching industry leaders generate all their wealth through business models and systems; Master this marketing beast known as Pinterest. So, I decided to take a closer look. First, due to the popularity, here are 3 reasons why you need to distribute your blog with Pinterest.

3 Reasons Why Marketers Love Pins on Pinterest?

  • High Page Rank and Domain Authority (SEO nerd)
  • ZERO-Stress signup process, minimal promotion restrictions
  • Pinners buy more than any other digital channel (including FB)

So do you think pinning is vital for bloggers?

Niche blogging is huge. In fact, it’s a super-niche! Bloggers rely heavily on generating traffic for content. Then monetize that traffic with services, products, or both. Organic search traffic is their main source of traffic, if they are not aware of how powerful social media can be.

Most bloggers have a basic understanding of how SEO works. On page, off page and the importance of back links. With new Google updates like Panda and Hummingbird; What was taught in the SEO world just 1 year ago is completely outdated.

Let me tell you my story. Before the latest Google update, I was losing 90% of all my traffic. Which mainly came from Google search. As my traffic disappeared, my revenue immediately dropped!

My income has decreased because I depend on traffic like any other business. Once this traffic is monetized, I use little known psychology to convert my traffic into leads or potential customers.

Next, I have a series of automated sales. So, due to the disappearance of traffic, I had to adapt. So I started marketing my business on “Pinterest” and other social bookmark networks to serve as a top-level site. I will explain more about the levels later to create Google safe back links without penalty marks.

For now I want you to understand that in Google’s eyes Pinterest is golden. Do you want my formula for instant search engine ranking?

Of course you do! Get something to write with: After publishing new content on your personal blog, EzineArticles, or any site that makes you money. By the way, this is called SEO (Money Site) fanatics.

How to Use Pinterest for Business Marketing Vol 1:

Power Pinning for non-SEO fanatics!

So, right after publishing your article, you will use social media to be syndicated and start building backlinks. This social media tier will be your tier 1 site. It serves as a buffer site for building links. If I don’t have major social networks listed in my author account. Google it!

Semi-automated marketing tools and software

Get the best sites and register complete profiles with your bio and photo. Do not forget Pinterest. After publishing the post on your blog. Use simple software like onlywire or hootsuite to shoot simultaneously. You can also go to Fiverr[dot]com and search social bookmarks to find someone who will do it for $5.

Now you know how to start building a backlink profile with social media. Wait until I tell you what you can do with 2nd and 3rd level links to skyrocket your blog posts to the moon!

Marketing on Pinterest alone, without backlink know-how, can drive you more traffic and sales based on the market research I performed on Quancast[dot]com. Which is a site where you can get demographic data, which is vital for targeted marketing.

Closing, Marketing on Pinterest it’s more complex and powerful than you think. Add me on EzineArticles to be the first to know when I publish the 2nd volume of how to use Pinterest as a marketing tool!

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