Network Marketing Business – How to make money with Network Marketing even when you’re broke!

So you’ve scraped together your last bit of cash to join your network marketing business and now you have no money to advertise with. This happens often and people sometimes lose momentum and don’t start building their business until they have money to advertise with. Unfortunately this usually never happens. 👈Here are some suggestions to maximize your social networks 

This is a bad idea and will usually be a major downfall.

The good news is that you can market your network marketing business from home even when you’re broke and there are literally dozens of ways to do it. Of course some ways are better than others. Some are more effective than others and some take much longer than others. But I want to give you the ones that you can start with right now, that are very effective.

Spread the word FAST about your Network Marketing business for free…

In a minute I’ll talk about online ways to get traffic to your network marketing website, but first I want to tell you about a way you can start building your network marketing business FAST starting now… as soon as you read this article The best way is to start talking to people you know. Please don’t listen to all the hype from people telling you that the old network marketing methods are dead.

Proof that Traditional Network Marketing Executives ARE NOT DEAD!

First of all they are not and we have over 60,000 people in our downline to prove it. But secondly, if there is anything freer than speaking, then I don’t know what it is. Not only that, but chances are you spent a pretty penny on your network marketing business kit when you signed up, and if the opportunity you signed up for is worth its price, then there are some great promotional tools to use, so USE THEM! They have probably been tested and optimized to work like crazy.

Build your network marketing business online for FREE

Starting from the beginning. You need a place to send traffic and start getting known. You need a website for your MLM business. “But I don’t have money to buy one,” you’re saying to yourself. Well, you don’t need it. You can create a free site on or create a free blog on and start using it.

The lifeblood of every network marketer Chance of success

You will want to start collecting leads as soon as possible. This means you need an autoresponder service. I suggest this is where you should borrow money if necessary and set yourself up with a service like Aweber, but there are some good free ones out there that will be good enough for now. Just get Google’s free autoresponders and see what you can find, but you need to have it to contact your contacts.

Get free traffic to your new network marketing website

Ok, the site is ready, now you need some traffic to it. One of the best things you can do is write articles and submit them to article directories like this one. is the best and you can get tons of traffic from the site itself, also if you are expert your articles will be ranked in search engines. Search for the Bum Marketing method on Google and you will find a great resource for finding the right keywords to use to rank on Google.

We also recommend publishing the articles on your blog, then editing them quite significantly, and also submitting them to other online article directories.

Make friends and get free traffic

You’ve probably heard of social sites like Facebook and Twitter. You may already have accounts there. It’s a great place to get traffic to your sites. Post a status or a Tweet and let all your friends know that you have a business opportunity or that you just wrote an article and link to it. And then start making new friends who are interested in making money.

Here are some suggestions to maximize your social networks 👈

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Cómo conseguir 10.000 visitantes en tu sitio web en el primer mes

Tue Oct 10 , 2023
¿Diez mil visitantes en el primer mes? Para lograrlo, lo que hay que hacer es descomponerlo. Para facilitar los números, digamos que hay treinta días en un mes. Por lo tanto, necesitará 300 visitantes por día. Aquí tienes algunas sugerencias para lograr tus objetivos de tráfico web 👈 Ahora quiero […]

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