How you can make money with YouTube

Many people don’t know that they can make money with YouTube. The site shares the profits from advertising on the video. This means that if you can get a decent audience, there is the potential to earn more. However, there are some things you will want to keep in mind.

Account setup

This can be done easily if you have a Gmail account, although many find it easier to use a different account specifically for their YouTube channel. With this, you also need to think about the name you will use for your channel.

Make the video

Making videos may seem like the easiest part of the job. The truth is, there are many aspects to this that you will want to consider. This will help you get the best results.


You want to be original in what you do to make money on YouTube. If you have the same video as multiple people out there, your video is less likely to be seen. For example, there are tons of tutorials on how to do a French braid. If you want to get views that will make you money on YouTube, you need to come up with an interesting twist on the French braid.


You should also think about the quality of the video, because this can be a big obstacle for you. Poor quality videos are often not watched. You want to use a decent quality camera. If you use a web cam, you should be aware of your surroundings and angle. It’s also helpful to invest in video editing software. This can help you add fun effects and make your video really stand out.


One thing people hate in a video is background noise. If you have young children, make your videos while they sleep. Even if someone watches your full video with noise, chances are they won’t tell others about the channel or watch other videos you have.


Even if you want your videos to look organic, scripting is still essential. This can help avoid awkward poses. You should practice the video beforehand and eliminate any stutters or other missteps in the video. Remember that you want the videos to be as professional as possible.


Another thing to keep in mind when you want to make money on YouTube is to be reliable with your content as this can help your channel grow. Viewers are always waiting for new content and those who post videos consistently have better numbers. For example, BoredShortsTV releases one of its cute videos every Monday.

Advertise your channel

Never forget to advertise your videos and your channel. While the video may appear in YouTube search results, this is not enough if you want to make money with YouTube. Rather you want to post it to relevant pages on social media sites, Pinterest and more. Find ways that will work to increase your numbers. There are many unique ways to do this.

?Here are some suggestions to maximize your social networks

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vie Sep 29 , 2023
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